2024-2025 FAFSA Updates

在过去的几个月里,你听说了2024-2025年FAFSA的变化. For the 2024-25 school year, the FAFSA has been reduced to less than half of the current 108 questions, including detailed financial information, and it will be easier to import income data from tax records. Along with the pared-down form, 教育部正在改变其公式,以确定谁将有资格获得援助以及他们将获得多少援助.

经济援助办公室举办了许多虚拟演讲,以帮助学生和家庭了解2024-2025年FAFSA和经济援助即将发生的变化. 如果你需要帮助完成2024-2025年的FAFSA,请访问财政援助办公室.

Some changes include:

Release Date

The 2024-2025 FAFSA was released in December 2023.


每个人都需要一个FSA ID,包括没有社会安全号码的父母. However, starting with the 2024-25 FAFSA, 学生和家长将无法访问FAFSA表格,除非在开始填写表格之前设置FSA ID. 请注意,FSA ID通过验证过程需要1到3天的时间.

Parents that are not U.S. citizens or residents will also need to create an FSA ID.

Applicants will be required to use the IRS Direct Data Exchange

Previously, 用户可以选择手动输入他们的税务信息或使用IRS数据检索工具. Beginning with 2024-25, FAFSA的所有人员必须同意教育部直接从国税局接收税务信息或确认非申报状态. In a very small number of cases, students and families will have to enter their tax data manually, but for most, that data will be automatically transferred into the application. 这一变化使完成FAFSA更容易,并减少了需要回答的问题数量.

All contributors must provide financial information

在2024-25年的fafsa中引入了一个新术语——贡献者,指的是任何需要在学生表格上提供信息的人(如父母/继父母或配偶)。. 学生或家长在FAFSA上的回答将决定哪些贡献者(如果有的话)需要提供信息.

投稿人将收到一封电子邮件,告知他们已被确认为投稿人, 并且需要使用他们自己的FSA ID(如果他们没有)登录,以提供学生FAFSA所需的信息.

作为一个贡献者并不意味着他们要为学生的教育费用承担经济责任, 但这确实意味着资助者必须提供有关FAFSA的信息,否则申请将不完整,学生将没有资格获得联邦学生援助.

Number of colleges on the FAFSA

Students will be able to list 20 colleges on the FAFSA. 此前,FAFSA只允许学生列出最多10所高校. To be considered for aid from the State of North Carolina, 请在前三名中列出一所北卡罗莱纳州的四年制公立大学或社区大学.


在新的FAFSA中,一个值得注意的术语更新是用学生资助指数(SAI)取代了“预期家庭贡献”(EFC)一词。. 这个名称更准确地描述了用于确定援助资格和资格的数字, unlike the EFC, the SAI may be a negative number down to -1500. The SAI will be used to calculate need-based financial aid.

The number in college will not be used to calculate the SAI

Previously, FAFSA计算了在EFC上大学的家庭成员的数量, dividing it proportionately to determine federal aid eligibility. Beginning with the 2024-25 FAFSA, the application will still ask how many household members are in college, but your answer will not be calculated into the SAI. 因此,在大学里有兄弟姐妹的学生可能会看到他们的联邦援助资格发生变化.

Some students will automatically be awarded a Pell Grant

家庭收入低于175%单亲家庭收入低于225% federal poverty level will see their students receive a maximum Federal Pell Grant award. 最低佩尔助学金将保证给家庭收入低于275%的学生, 325%, 350%, or 400% of the poverty level, depending on household structure. 佩尔奖学金的最高和最低金额将由SAI决定.


For dependent students, 在过去的12个月里,与学生住在一起最多的父母需要提供财务信息. With the new FAFSA, 无论学生在过去12个月里住在哪里,都需要向向学生提供最多经济支持的父母提供财务信息.

Enrollment categories will change for calculating the Pell Grant

Previously, Pell Grant was awarded based on full-time (12 or more hours), three-quarter-time (9-11 credit hours), 半学时(6-8学时)或半学时以下(1-5学时)入学状态. 2024-2025年,招生状态将被一个名为“招生强度”的新术语所取代.”

招生强度是指学生在全日制招生中所占的百分比, rounded to the nearest whole percent. For example, 全日制学时为12学时以上,学生注册学时为7学时的, the enrollment intensity would be (7 / 12) x 100% = 58%.

For the 2024-2025 award year and thereafter, 学生的计划佩尔助学金乘以学生的入学强度百分比,以确定年度佩尔助学金.

Changes to the Year-Round Pell Grant

Previously, 符合佩尔助学金条件的学生必须在支付期内至少注册了一半时间,在此期间他们获得了超过100%的计划奖励. 从2024-2025年开始,新的变化取消了半时制的入学要求.

Family size

家庭规模(不再是家庭规模)将根据在FAFSA上报告的人提交的联邦税表中申请豁免的人数来计算. 如果这一数字不能准确反映家庭规模,将有一个修改的选项.

Family farms and small businesses must be reported as assets

根据要求,家庭现在必须报告其小企业或家庭农场的价值. If the family farm includes the principal place of residence, 申请人应确定所有农场资产的总净值,并减去其主要住宅的净值,以确定其农场资产的最终价值.